At The Mint Dental in Chattanooga, TN, we know that dental emergencies can happen anytime and anywhere. That’s why we offer convenient appointments for dental emergencies. You can schedule your consultation by completing the form on this page. With our prompt attention and gentle, advanced dentistry techniques, Dr. Damien Armstrong can often restore your complete comfort in just one visit.
What Do Emergency Appointments Offer?
Emergency appointments can provide
Peace of Mind
If you are experiencing a dental emergency, you’re likely also experiencing anxiety and discomfort. Reaching out to our practice and knowing you don’t have to wait too long to be seen can take a huge weight off your shoulders.
Timely Assessment
Speaking with our team can allow you to determine whether you truly need urgent attention or whether your concern is something that can wait until your next cleaning and exam. For example, a loose crown requires prompt treatment. In contrast, if dental bonding material that was used to fix a chipped tooth falls out, it can likely wait.
Get Started Today
Once you request an emergency appointment, a patient coordinator will get in touch with you to determine the best appointment time and location for you to meet with our team. You should also complete your patient forms before that time. Don’t put off addressing your dental emergency any longer. Schedule your visit using our simple form or call (423) 401-9781 today.